U.S. Army M4A1 Nuclear Yield Calculator

U.S. Army M4A1 Nuclear Yield Calculator

This calculator is used to estimate the yield, in kilotons, of a nuclear weapon. It permits various measured parameters of the explosion to be used: the time in seconds from the flash to the bang and the observed width of the cloud; the distance to ground zero and the observed width of the cloud; the fireball illumination time, and; the flash to band time and the elevation angle.

The M4A1 is a component of the U.S. Army M28A1 RADIAC calculator set. Detailed information can be found in the FM-3-3-1 Field Manual.

Size: 4.5" diameter


  • Instruction card, no date.
  • FM-3-3-1 Field Manual. Nuclear Contamination Avoidance.  Headquarters Department of the Army U.S. Marine Corps., Washington, D.C., September 1994.