PP-4276C/PD Dosimeter Charger (ca. 1970s, 1980s)

The Defense Atomic Support Agency's 1966 List of Military and Civil Defense Radiac Devices described the PP-4276/PP as follows, “Transistorized battery operated charger to charge all Navy quartz-fiber dosimeters." Only one version of the PP-4276/PD was referred to, and only one manufacturer was identified: NUCOR. In addition to the PP-4276/PD, the 1969 edition of the List mentions the model PP-4276A/PD, and identifies the following manufacturers: NUCOR, Nuclear Research Corporation, Chatterton Research Corporation, Allison, and E and M Company.
The Naval Electronic Systems Command's 1975 List of Radiacs in the Navy Program identifies the following five models: PP-4276, 4276A, 4276B, 4276C and the 4276D. The same five models are identified in the Defense Nuclear Agency’s 1987 List of Military and Civil Defense Radiac Devices. According to the U.S. military document Multiservice Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Protection (2003): "The PP 4276C/PD is a transistorized battery-operated charger. The system is designed to charge and zero the pocket dosimeter. The primary users are the USN and USMC."
When used, the charging end of a pocket dosimeter would be pressed onto the charging receptacle of the PP-4276. Looking through the dosimeter's eyepiece, the position of the hairline on the dosimeter scale (illuminated by an internal light source) would be set at zero by adjusting the knob seen in the upper right corner of the photo.
This example shown here was manufactured by Chatterton Research Corporation.
Batteries: One 1 1/2 volt D cell
Size: 4” x 4” x 2 1/8”
Weight: 13.5 oz.
Manufacturers: NUCOR, Nuclear Research Corp., Chatterton Research Corporation, Allison, and E and M Company.
- Department of the Navy Directory of Radiac Equipment, NAVSHIPS 94200.5, ca. 1961-62.
- Defense Atomic Support Agency. List of Military and Civil Defense Radiac Devices, DASA 1243 Revised, 1966.
- Defense Atomic Support Agency. List of Military and Civil Defense Radiac Devices. 1969.
- Naval Electronic Systems Command. List of Radiacs in the Navy Program. P-9670-1. February 1975.
- Defense Nuclear Agency List of Military and Civil Defense Radiac Devices HQDNA (AR) 3M Revised, August 1987.
- Multiservice Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Protection. FM 3-11.4, NCWP 3-37.2, NTTP 3-11.27, AFTTP (I) 3-2.46. June 2003.