IM-112/PD Pocket Dosimeter (ca. late 1950s, 1960s)
The IM-112/PD is a military direct reading pocket dosimeter that measures gamma ray and thermal neutron exposures in the 0-200 mrem range. This particular example was manufactured by the Landsverk Electrometer Company. The commercial version of this dosimeter is the Landsverk Model L-49 for which the claimed accuracy is +/- 10% for gammas and +/- 20% for neutrons.

Size: 0.5” diameter and 4” long
Weight: 0.5 oz.
Manufacturer: Landsverk Electrometer Corp.
Price: $45 in 1968
Kindly donated by Amelia V. Engelmann.
- Advertisement in the May 1958 issue of Nucleonics.p 33.
- Advertisement in the February 1962 issue of Health Physics.
- Landsverk Instrument Catalog, G-14 (enclosed price list dated June 1, 1968).