Radon Egg (2005)

The Radon Egg is a hollow ceramic container that is intended to add radon and minerals to bath water. In effect, the goal is to turn your bathtub into a radon spa/mineral spring. The source of the minerals and radon is a handful of tablets that are made from crushed minerals containing approximately 1 microcurie of natural thorium. Since the source is thorium, the radon in question is Rn-220 rather than Rn-222—radon-220 is often referred to as "thoron" whereas Rn-222 is what we normally think of when we think of radon.
The egg was originally developed by Akira Maruyama, a researcher at Daitoh Seni Corp. Norio Mizushima enlisted the services of Shoji Taoda, a well known Shigaraki procelain artist, to commercialize the product. According to the manufacturer, the radon gas released into the bath produces minus ions in the air which make you feel relaxed. The tablets also release minerals that are supposed to give the water a soothing feel.
As is the custom at Japanese spas, it is suggested you do not rinse with regular tap water after a radon bath.
The Radon Egg is placed in the bath water (suspended by the net) about three hours before bathing and dried after each use. Since the mineral ingredients are slowly dissolved with use, periodic replacement of the tablets is recommended. Nevertheless, the manufacturer claims that the radon is released indefinitely and that replacement is not necessary if you wish only to enjoy radon baths. Distributed by the Beagle Co., Ltd., Japan.
Size: Approximately 6" long and 4" diameter
Generously donated by Norio Mizushima.