Dental Film Holders

The purpose of these devices is pretty straightforward: to shield dental X-ray film from the x-rays in the dentist's office. Of course, once the film was developed, this would no longer be necessary.
The Eastman "Dental Film Safe" shown above, most likely dates from the 1920s. A note in a 1921 bulletin from Eastman Kodak reads: "Eastman dental Film Safe. A metal cabinet is announced, in which to keep dental X-ray films before and after exposure."
It seems to be made of a lead alloy, has a spring loaded hinged cover, has two internal compartments and was intended to be wall mounted. Each compartment could hold two dozen film packets. A (1919?) Kodak trade circular describes it as a "convenient little metal cabinet designed to furnish a satisfactory means for keeping dental film packages from X-rays without undue trouble." "Net Wholesale $2.33 Catalog List $3.00."
Size: Approximately 4.75" x 2.25" x 2"
The film holders to the right, also wall-mounted, are more modern. They seem to be made of a lead alloy.
The grey unit is identified on the inside of the lid as the "Kodak Dental Film Receptacle."
The olive colored unit is identified on the front as the "Eastmant Dental X-ray Film Receptacle" and is featured in a 1955 Picker X-ray Corporation catalog. It has a hole in the bottom and a false bottom inside that can be pushed up by inserting a finger into the hole. This would make it easier to retrieve the film.
Size: Approximately 3" high
Kindly donated by the Health Physics Society.
Eastman Kodak Co. Monthly Abstract Bulletin. May, 1921.