Dentoscope - Intra-Oral Fluoroscope (ca. 1930s)

The Dentoscope is a Swiss-made intra-oral fluoroscope (ca. 12" long), somewhat similar to the Indian Head Reflector in the collection. One advantage that the Dentoscope has over the latter is its length. When viewing the fluorescent screen through the eyepiece, the dentist is positioned some distance away from the patient's mouth—this means that he/she is out of the X-ray beam.

The photos shown above came with the Dentoscope.
Quoting the literature that came with the unit: "Our instrument can be used in many places, in daylight and in electric light, whereas the apparatus of American make can only be used in a darkened room. The light intensity of our "DENTOSCOPE" is much stronger since the American made device gives only a weak reflection of the examined part.
"Regardless of the portion of the patient's mouth under treatment, the dentist can treat any infected tooth from a safe distance. In handling the American-made device, the dentist is forced, in many cases, to come very close to the patient, thus hindering and impairing his actions."
Again, quoting the manufacturer's literature: "The apparatus is composed of the tube, which has on its end, a fluorescent diaphragm of the best quality. The reproduction of the X-ray picture is reflected by two mirrors on the silver screen without reflections. The turnable eyepiece eliminates totally the exterior light. The mirrors are very sensible [sensitive], and are protected and completely enclosed in the instrument. The picture is about twenty millimeters in diameter."
Size: Approximately 11" long
Instruction sheet for Dentoscope. No date.