General Electric Angligner (ca. 1950s)

This device was used to facilitate radiography of the skull, an area where precise positioning is important.
Quoting the GE catalog: "this "angle aligner"—whose name we have shortened to ANGLIGNER—is actually a protractor with a double faced dial."
"On the protractor side of the dial are two scales—the black one enables you to rotate, extend, or bend the head at the proper angle; the red one helps you to angle the cassette or film holder. On the directional side of the dial [shown in photo] are etched names, angulation limits, et cetera, of various positions used in skull radiography."
"Its beautifully made of polished stainless steel—with etched lines and letters."
Size: 6" x 3.5" at base. Pointer 15."
General Electric Catalog. X-ray Supplies and Accessories. 1953-1954.