Plate Marker (ca. 1940s, 1950s)

This particular item was identified in a 1955 Picker X-ray Corporation catalog as the "Reliable Marker." The catalog describes it as "the only one [marker] that has a revolving numerical disk" and notes that "regardless of position of the marker, the figures will not fall out."
The back of this device identifies the manufacturer as the X-ray Stencil Works, 3711 No. Irving Avenue, Chicago.
An almost identical device, referred to as a "plate marker," is illustrated in Sinclair Tousey's Medical Electricity, Rontgen Rays and Radium (W.B. Saunders Co. 1921). The only difference is that the one in Tousey's book has "The Kny-Scheerer Co. New York" across the top, whereas the example in the ORAU collection shown here has been personalized and reads "Paul M. Reigart M.D. York PA."
Quoting Tousey's text: "lead or other metallic figures and letters may be placed upon the upper surface of the [X-ray] plate, outside of its envelopes, and at the same time that the radiograph is made an image of these is also impressed upon the plate, and is reproduced in every print made from it. My own custom is to have my name and the serial number of the plate, and sometimes the word "right" or "left."" Clearly, the example shown here would impart all that information to the plate.
Size: 3.5" x 1.75"