Radiation Ranger (early 1990s)

This is the "Radiation Ranger," an action figure bad guy. To be specific, he is a "nuclearized sinister stormtrooping soldier… with glowing gamma eyes… Radiation type: Robotium 0101; Toxicity level: Mindless; Occupation: Minion." "Think of us as your future: humorless, radioactive and cold."
Just to the right of the Ranger you can see his purple radiation rifle ("Ready, aim, glow!"), his purple life support back pack, his green secret toxic glo-in-the-dark weapon ("so radioactive, we've put it under wraps") and his purple nuclear waste drum shield ("protection from do-gooders with good aim").
It was produced by Playmates in the early 1990s as one of their Toxic Crusaders line of action figures. Radiation Rangers' partners in crime were Psycho, Bonehead, and Dr. Killemoff. The good guys against whom they battled were Toxie, Major Disaster, Nozone, Junkyard and Headbanger.
In case you are interested, the secret weapon consisted of two toxic glo-in-the-dark land mines.