ECL Model EC 9 "Crysto-Count" Scintillation Counter (ca. 1955-1960)

The Model EC 9 "Crysto-Count" survey meter was built by Electronic Counter Laboratories Inc. at 418 South Pecan St., Los Angeles California. It was primarily intended for uranium prospecting.

It came with four time constants:
- Air - for airborne or fast moving vehicle
- Fast - for vehicle travelling up to 40 mph
- Medium - for foot or horseback surveys
- Slow - for sample checks and grid surveys
Detector: NaI crystal, 1.5" diameter, 1" long
Range: 0-0.025, 0-0.05, 0-0.25, 0-0.5, 0-2.5 and 0-5.0 mR/hr
Size: 4.5" x 9.5" x 5"
Batteries: One 22.5 volt (e.g., Eveready 412) two 45 volt (e.g., Eveready 455) and four 1.5 volt D cells
Kindly donated by Chuck Abraham.
Electronic Counter Laboratories Inc. Operation Manual. No date.