Nuclear Measurements Model GS-3 GM (ca. 1955-1960)

This is a side window GM survey meter produced by Nuclear Measurements Corporation of Indianapolis, Indiana. The model number painted on the case has been partially worn off—all that can be made out is "Model GS." Nevertheless, it is clear that this is the Model GS-3.

The most detailed information that I have found regarding this instrument is the following from a 1960 product description in Nucleonics: "Two Geiger counters for medical laboratory use weigh 4 3/4 lb each and are extremely rugged. Model GS-3 is calibrated in cpm and GS-3L in mr/hr. G-M tube is encased in rubber-tipped shield to provide the tube with maximum protection against shock. Dimensions are 3 1/4 in. x 6 1/2 in. x 7 1/2 in. "
In the June 1955 issue of Nucleonics, the GS-3 is identified as a "Prospecting Counter."
Another version of the GS-3, the GS-3CD, served as the CD V-700 Model 1. Compare the GS-3 with the CD V-700 Model 2.
Detector: Cylindrical GM tube
Range: 0-500, 0-5000 and 0-50,000 cpm
Dimensions (case): 3” x 7” x 3”
Weight: 4 3/4 lb.
Batteries: Two 1.5 volt D cells, and three miniature 45 volt B batteries
Check source: Depleted uranium on the side of the case.
- Product description (Survey Meter). Nucleonics February, 1955. p. 88.
- Product description (Prospecting Counters). Nucleonics, June 1955. p. 130.
- Product description (Medical Geiger Counter). Nucleonics, May 1960. p. 134.
- NMC Brochure. Geiger and Scintillation Counters. No date.