Scientific Radio Products Model S 101 Geiger Gun (1955)

As best as I can determine, this was the only radiation detector produced by Scientific Radio Products, Inc. of 215 S 11th Street in Omaha, Nebraska. The company, founded in the early 1940s(?) by Leo Meyerson and Al Shidelermain, produced components (e.g. crystals) for the radio industry.
The Model S101 "Geiger Gun" was identified in the June 1955 issue of Nucleonics as a new addition to "the growing group of instruments designed for uranium prospecting." Note that the meter simply reads out in counts per minute—had it been intended for radiation protection, it would also have read out in mR/hr.
The meter face (lower right hand corner) reads "MODEL S-501" but the label identifies the instrument as the Model S101 Serial Number T1623.

Detector: Thin-walled GM tube manufactured by SRP. Tube manufacturing date 1955.
Audio: No speaker, but connection for headphones
Range: Three scales 0-100, 0-1,000 and 0-10,000 cpm
Size: 11" long
Batteries: Single 1.5 volt D cell
- New product listing of Model S 101. NucleonicsJune 1955 p. 130.
- Brown, P.R.J.The Influence of Amateur Radio on the Development of the Commercial Market for Quartz Piezoelectric Resonators in the United States.Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium: 58-65.