Tubix Kenotron, the "Valvix" (ca. 1945-1950)

The valve tube shown here was manufactured by Varay of Paris, probably between 1945 and 1950. Prior to WW II, Emile Varay was the representative in France for Muller, a German manufacturer of X-ray tubes. After the war Varay established his own company, using the trade name Tubix, to manufacture tubes that were based on the Muller designs. This particular tube was called the "Valvix."
The anode, the metal cylinder at the right end of the tube in the top photo, is attached to a copper heat sink that is air cooled. The photo above right illustrates how the radiator is connected at the anode end of the tube.
Size: ca. 21" long, 3" in diameter
Donated by Zahi Hakim.
- Zahi Hakim, personal communication.
- E.R.N. Grigg. Trail of the Invisible Light. Charles C Thomas. 1965.