Tales from the Atomic Age
The following "Tales from the Atomic Age" originally appeared in the Health Physics Society Newsletter. Although they are written in a story format, I did my best to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in them. - Paul Frame
- Alsos and the Nazi Thorium
- Discovery of Francium
- Fermi Strikes Gold and Hevesy Invents Neutron Activation Analysis
- Four Tales of George de Hevesy
- František Behounek and the Burst Balloon
- How the Curie Came to Be
- In the Groove - and other stories about radium hounds
- It Belonged to Wollan - a story about Ernest Wollan, the first "Health Physicist"
- It Came Out of Niels Bohr's Nuclear Well
- Jachymov: Cradle of the Atomic Age
- James Acord: Artist-in-Residence of the Atomic Age
- Pigs in Uniform
- Radioactive Curative Devices and Spas - a story about radioactive quack cures
- Return of the Radium Hound
- Robley Evans in the Wild West
- The Legend of Émil H. Grubbé
- The Tale of the Hanford Sheep
- U-234 - the story of the German U-boat U-234
- Wilhelm Rontgen and the Invisible Light
- William Crookes and the Spectral Visitor
- William Crookes and the Turbulent Luminous Sea - a story about the spinthariscope