General Publications
16 CFR 232. Guides for Advertising Radiation Monitoring Instruments. 1982.
At one time, there were U.S. Federal regulations regarding "the advertising of instruments, devices, or other products which are represented in any manner to be of use to the general public for detecting or measuring fallout radiation."
- Advisory Bulletin Number 229. Interim Procedures for Maintenance of Radiological Instruments. OCDM. January 1959.
- American Civil Defense 1945 - 1984. FEMA 107. July 1986.
- Civil Defense Radiological Monitoring Instruments Specifications. December 1950. FCDA. (courtesy of Nick Studer)
- CPG 1-30. Guide for the Design and Development of a Local Radiological Defense Support System. FEMA. June 1981.
- CPG 2-2. Use of Civil Defense Radiological Instruments for Peacetime Radiological Emergencies. September 1991.
- CPG 2-6.1. Radiological Defense Preparedness. April 1978.
- CPG 2-6.4. Radiation Safety in Shelters. FEMA. September 1983.
- CPG 3-1. Radiological Instruments: An Essential Resource for National preparedness. September 1986.
- CPG 4-1. Volume I. Obsolete Radiological Instruments. September 1985.
- Criteria for Radiation Instruments for Use by the General Public. October 1962.
- FG-E-5.9. Handbook for Radiological Monitors. April 1963.
- FG-E-5.9.1. Handbook for Aerial Radiological Monitors. July 1966.
- Handbook for Radiological Defense Education. For use by schools receiving the CD V-755 "High School Kit." OCDM. January 1959.
- H-16. Shelter Management Handbook. March 1978.
- IG-3-2. Basic Course for Civil Defense. Instructor's Guide. FCDA. February 1955.
- IG 11.21. Practical Application and Use of Civil Preparedness Radiological Instruments. Instructor Guide. January 1969.
- MP-30. Civil Defense 1965. OCD. April 1965.
- MP-72. How to Use Your Radiological Instruments (Survey Meter and Dosimeter) to Find the Best Shelter and to Minimize Your Exposure to Radiation. August 1976.
- Radiological Monitoring Instruments and Equipment (For Civil Defense Operations). Office of Civil Defense. 1963.
- SM-11.21.1 Radiological Monitoring Student Workbook. Office of Civil Defense. May 1963.
- SM 81. Fundamentals Course for Radiological Monitors FEMA. September 1981.
- TB-5-3. Technical Bulletin. Family Shelters for Protection Against Radioactive Fallout. May 1958.
- TB-8-1. Technical Bulletin. Blast Damage from Nuclear Weapons of Larger Sizes. February 1955. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-1. Technical Bulletin. Emergency Exposures to Nuclear Radiation. Revised August 1956. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-2. Technical Bulletin. Personal Dosimeters for Radiological Defense. April 1952.
- TB-11-8. Technical Bulletin. Permissible Emergency Levels of Radioactivity in Water and Food. December 1952. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-9. Technical Bulletin. Emergency Measurements of Radioactivity in Food and water. December 1952. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-19. Technical Bulletin. Protection Against Fallout Radiation. September 1955. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-20. Technical Bulletin. Radiological Instruments for Civil Defense. September 1955. Reprinted October 1958.
- TB-11-20. Technical Bulletin. Radiological Instruments for Civil Defense. September 1955. Revised June 1959.
- TB-11-21. Technical Bulletin. Fallout and the Winds. October 1955. Revised February 1956. Reprinted 1958.
- TB-11-22. Technical Bulletin. Radiation Physics and Bomb Phenomenology. Revised June 1956.
- TB-11-24. Technical Bulletin. Medical Aspects of Nuclear Radiation. July 1956. Reprinted October 1958.
- TR-90. Fallout Exposure Rate Prediction Tables. May 1989.