Radiological Dose & Risk Assessments
When the safety of your workers and the public is at stake, accurate and reliable health physics expertise is necessary to demonstrate compliance with federal and/or state regulations and guidelines regarding radiological exposure. ORAU’s highly-qualified health physicists perform site-specific radiation dose and risk assessments, using methods consistent with industry standards, to meet these regulatory requirements.
ORAU personnel have derived authorized limits for the U.S. Department of Energy per Order 458.1, dose-based screening values for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission per NUREG-1757, and derived concentration guideline levels (DCGLs) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency, among others.
Dose models have included those for buildings and similar structural media, as well as environmental media including air, soil, sediment, rocks, surface water, and groundwater. Both retrospective and prospective assessments have been performed to determine radiation doses to past and current receptors, or hypothetical receptors based on central tendency or reasonable maximum exposure (i.e., critical group) scenarios. ORAU uses a variety of assessment tools to perform radiological dose assessments, including RESRAD, RESRAD-BUILD, DandD, MCNP, and MicroShield.