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Health Research, Evaluation, & Strategy

You may need guidance to boost your project or take it in a new direction. You may wonder if you are getting the most for the dollars spent, or if your program is making a real impact.

ORAU evaluation specialists can help move projects forward in an efficient, data-driven manner that matches the specific need and audience. They have experience in setting up projects with clear and measurable goals and objectives, identifying the best approaches to gather data for your evaluation, and utilizing cost-effective data collection methods to measure short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes. ORAU evaluation specialists use this data to demonstrate research findings, lessons learned, and best practices for clients.

Our team can tailor a plan that is right for your evaluation needs. Surveys, interviews, message testing, and other data collection efforts are designed thoughtfully and conducted skillfully to obtain credible results. Our experienced team will collaborate with you to develop the evidence-based insights you need.

We specialize in these data collection activities:

  • Environmental scans
  • Interviews, focus groups, and surveys
  • Social media listening

Impact Areas

What we do

A research and evaluation project will follow a sequence of action steps:

  • Develop a program logic model and an evaluation plan
  • Design and conduct data collection activities
  • Conduct data analysis (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Prepare a final report with recommendations for program improvements
Laptop computer display

What we offer

  • Highly educated and experienced staff with expertise in a broad range of subject areas
  • Flexible evaluation plans based on timeline, budget, and needs
  • Expertise in navigating time-consuming federal research regulations, including a track record of success obtaining Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approvals
Focused employees group talk working together looking at laptop computer

How we can help

We can advise you on the most powerful approach to meeting your program’s needs. ORAU communication professionals start with a strong collaborative foundation with our client to create cost-effective health messaging, using formative research and concept testing to develop the right products. Our experts use precise data collection instruments, program monitoring, and evaluation to make sure you are reaching the right audiences and that audiences are responding favorably to the health messaging.

Man and two women sitting in board room having a discussion

Our capabilities

  • Social marketing plan development, including concept, discovery, and design
  • Formative research, such as focus groups and online surveys
  • Product and resource development for print or electronic dissemination
  • Concept testing of proposed interventions
  • Writing and editing, including message mapping and message testing
  • Public and media relations, such as digital press kits and media buys
  • Audience specific and community-based interventions
  • Meeting, conference, and expert panel support
  • Stakeholder engagement
Multiple people take part in a focus group

Contact us

For information about ORAU’s public health and healthcare solutions, contact Freddy Gray at (865) 576-0029 or