Branding Resources
Using the ORAU Brand
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, ORAU, and the ORAU logo are service marks or registered service marks of ORAU. The ORAU Brand Resource Center provides usage guidelines and downloads for certain ORAU brand elements.
The guidance will instruct you on acceptable uses of these brand elements; however, it is expressly prohibited to use them in any of the following ways:
- Attempting to influence legislation
- Organizing or engaging in protests
- Engaging in or advocating for partisan political activities or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to any public office
- Endorsing a product, service, corporation, individual or other entity without prior written permission or a contractual sponsorship or agreement with ORAU to do so, or implying the endorsement, by association, with any of our customers, including federal agencies, member universities, etc.
- Engaging in or associated with unethical, deceptive, harmful, obscene or otherwise objectionable activities
- Misrepresenting a partnership or other business relationship with ORAU
The ORAU Communications and Marketing Department manages the ORAU brand, and requests for additional guidance or interpretation should be directed to this department at (865) 576-3146 or
Using the ORAU logo
Please contact the ORAU Communications and Marketing Department at (865) 576-3146 or for permission to use the ORAU logo. When contacting ORAU, please provide your name, your organization’s legal name (the “Licensee”), phone number, email, Licensee’s website address, logo file format preference (JPEG, PNG or EPS) and the purpose for requesting use of the ORAU logo. You must agree to a Service Mark License Agreement in order to use the ORAU logo.
Improper Use
The ORAU logo consists exclusively of the stylized ORAU acronym with the starburst design for the top portion of the A in ORAU. No other taglines, text or spelling out of the name should be included. The two examples below show outdated versions of the logo that should no longer be used.
Any use of the ORAU logo should also maintain proper proportions and not stretch or shrink the image to fill a space.
Additionally, the logo should only appear in color using the two colors (solid black letters and blue starburst). Monochrome uses of the logo—either solid black or a solid reverse (white) on a dark background—are acceptable.
Mission, Vision and Values
To learn more, please see the ORAU Mission, Vision and Values page.
ORAU integrates academia, government and industry to advance the nation’s learning, health and scientific knowledge to build a better world. Through our specialized teams of subject matter experts, decades of experience, and collaborations with our consortium of more than 160 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU is a recognized leader when the priorities of our federal, state, local, and commercial customers require innovative solutions. ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). ORAU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and government contractor. For more information, visit
Corporate Images
All photo rights are owned and retained by ORAU, and photos may not be edited or altered. ORAU authorizes permission to use the photos in context with ORAU-related contracts, projects, or other activities with which you may be associated but not in any way that suggests an endorsement of you or any product or service without written permission of ORAU to do so. Permissions used with the photos should read: “Photo Credit: ORAU.” Photos may not be sold for commercial purposes.
Annual Report
Our annual report recognizes the customers, employees, and partners that are strengthening the overall U.S. scientific mission and global competitiveness. It also shows how ORAU’s expertise has specifically impacted our customers’ needs and the effect of our efforts on our local and regional communities. You will find links to special pages detailing our long-standing partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy and the activities and accomplishments of the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, which ORAU manages for DOE. Other links provide information on our consortium activities in support of our sponsoring institutions.