Our partners
ORAU STEM Accelerator is joined by a consortium of national partners focused on advancing STEM education, training, and workforce pathways.
We are building a strategy for the STEM ecosystem rooted in scientific excellence to power progress, innovation, and prosperity for all by 2050.
ANS will host an international conference on Nuclear Education and Training in 2025 and we are supporting this effort as a committee chair leading a new awards program for students, educators, innovators, and industry.
Our role is to support the Nuclear Workforce summit in 2024.
We are collaborating on regional innovation ecosystems to build public-private partnerships among academia, industry, and state/local agencies to advance scalable, sustainable STEM solutions and grow economic markets in regions throughout the United States.
We are bringing together public-private partners to create a national nuclear power workforce strategy and implementation plan for the United States. Our role is to bring together our ORAU member universities, community colleges, and technical schools to form a committee on education and training. Topics that our committee will explore include how to grow the STEM workforce pipeline and how to attract, train, and retain highly skilled workers.
We are helping build the Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) R&D ecosystem, capacity-building, and infrastructure to ensure these academic institutions are successful in advancing their capacity to receive federal, state, and local funding. This includes helping to build models for HBCU students to develop STEM career pathways into federal agencies.