ARC Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge - Middle School

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), in collaboration with ORAU in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, presents a one-week, residential, science academy focusing on math, science, and technology for middle school students in July.
The ARC Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge - Middle School is a unique opportunity for students to work in collaborative teams with experienced teachers to utilize current technology to answer a research question. Students work in three specific teams, each comprising 8-9 students. The team approach provides an opportunity to collaboratively tackle a specific research topic and investigate it using a hands-on, inquiry-based approach.
The Academy curriculum is developed by area Master Teachers utilizing national and state science standards, area scientific expertise, and best practices in education. The Master Teachers also arrange tours, speakers and competitions, and assume primary teaching responsibilities for content delivery, hands-on experimentation, data collection, data analysis and final presentations. Three resident teachers typically assist with the curriculum presentation and daily student explorations and research.
In addition to the science activities, each day will include group sessions where students will be given the opportunity to apply what they have learned from the day’s events. This builds a better understanding of the day’s science activities and allows students to apply their knowledge in a hands-on approach to science.
The week culminates with final presentations where each group presented their work and findings to an audience of ARC, ORAU dignitaries, parents, and friends.
Visit the ARC Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge - Middle School website