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Scott Miller appointed vice chair of AGU Honors and Recognition Committee

Scott Miller, Ph.D.

Scott Miller, Ph.D., ORAU senior director of research programs, has been named vice chair of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Honors and Recognition Committee for a two-year term. The vice chair is a new role for the committee, on which Miller has been a member for the two years. AGU is a global organization that supports advocates and professionals in the Earth and space sciences.

The AGU Honors and Recognition Committee maintains oversight of AGU’s honors and recognition program, including awards, medals, prizes, fellowships and section honors. Over the past two years the committee has focused on efforts to “enhance equitable and transparent practices around the nomination and review processes, reduce barriers to participation from nominators, nominees and reviewers, and to ensure that the catalogue of Union Medals, Awards and Prizes are aligned with AGU’s strategic goals and values.”

During his coming terms, Miller said the committee will be assessing the impact from the changes they’ve made and the response of AGU members to the changes.

“It’s already been a great two years, and I’m looking forward to continuing work in this area,” Miller said.

Learn more about AGU. Learn more about the AGU Honors and Recognition Committee.

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