MARSAME Online Training
Online continuing education course on the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment
The Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment Manual (MARSAME) is a supplement to the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM 2002). MARSAME provides technical information on approaches for planning, implementing, assessing, and documenting surveys to determine proper disposition of materials and equipment. This course familiarizes individuals with the theory and implementation of the MARSAME manual.
The American Academy of Health Physics grants 32 Continuing Education Credits for completion of this course.
Course description
The MARSAME online training course focuses on the methodology and practical application of the MARSAME standard. This standard supplements the MARSSIM manual that has become the basis for real property final status surveys. The objectives of the course are to provide attendees with a solid understanding of the MARSAME standard, practice through exercises and provide practical information related to its implementation.
A list of the modules included in the course is provided below along with instructions about the registration process. This course is the equivalent of taking the four-day instructor-led course at the PTP training facility. PTP instructors will be available via email, phone, or Microsoft Teams to answer questions and provide assistance when needed.
Target audience
This course is designed for individuals responsible for the design and execution of surveys for the release of materials and equipment from facilities that handle, or previously handled, radioactive materials. Individuals who would attend this course include health physicists, project managers, and those providing oversight of the process such as regulatory personnel. A basic familiarity with MARSSIM methodology and/or terminology is helpful. Individuals new to decommissioning are advised to take the MARSSIM for Managers course as a prerequisite but it is not required.
$1,756 - Tuition includes access to the course materials via the ORAU Learning Management System (LMS).
If you have additional questions about this course, please contact the Registrar.