Bold School Blended Learning
Session Format: Virtual
Target Audience: K-12 Educators/Administrators
Shelby Woods, Computer Science Educator, Sevier County Junior High, Sevierville, TN
Endorsed by John Hattie: "Bold School…needs to be an essential part of every educator's toolbox."
Integrating technology into instruction is crucial for preparing students for future careers. However, it's equally important to incorporate educators' traditional wisdom in designing effective blended learning experiences. Unfortunately, enthusiasm for new technologies can sometimes overshadow proven instructional strategies, resulting in ineffective blended learning.
Bold School reestablishes the teacher's role in effective instruction. It combines Blended pedagogies with Old School wisdom, creating a straightforward framework for Strategic Blended Learning™. This methodology focuses on purposeful technology use to enhance instruction and ultimately improve student achievement.
This professional development session invites anyone interested in adopting a Bold School mindset to effectively blend technology in their classrooms. We will focus on instructional strategies based on the book Bold School by Weston Kieschnick.