ORAU: Then & Now
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Elizabeth Rona was a brilliant scientist, and she had the opportunity to work with other notable scientists because of the timing of her research interests in radioactivity, exceptional expertise in extracting polonium and her contributions to the understanding of radiochemistry.

Longtime ORAU employee hopes to inspire coworkers to volunteer as serving others has sparked passion and purpose in her life.

Like a boomerang, many ORAU employees have left for other job opportunities, only to return to ORAU. Discover some of the personal stories of a few of these individuals who have found their way back home to ORAU.

Learn more about William Brucer M.D., who was one of the early figures in the history of ORINS, which later became ORAU.
Learn more about the life and career of Brenda Blunt, senior director of Health Policy at ORAU
Born in Strigeau, Germany, Karl Hubner came to the United States—specifically, Oak Ridge—to learn as much as he could about nuclear medicine. It was rumored that doctors in Oak Ridge would soon be attempting bone marrow transplants. For a young doctor eager for hands-on experience, Hubner found an opportunity with ORINS.
It’s a workplace Cinderella story. Evelyn Watson’s career journey is one that is fun to share, and it’s important to ORAU’s history. Watson was a self-taught nuclear scientist who retired with two Lifetime Achievement awards.
He calls himself Bill Nye the Finance Guy, but everyone else knows him as Archie Smart. As a project manager on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Dose Reconstruction Project, he’s been with ORAU for more than 20 years doing a little bit of everything in operations.